Increase Your Online Visibility With These Digital Advertising Trends

Traditional advertising methods generally included TV advertisements, print advertisements, billboards etc. But anyone who has kept up with trends in advertising knows that the digital marketplace is where advertising has really taken off in the last few decades.

As people spend more and more time online, it makes sense for advertisers to reach out to them via websites, blogs and social media pages. Once you’ve got down the basics of digital media marketing, you can also place advertisements on websites and social media.

Here are some of the digital trends in the marketplace for advertisers:

Knowing Your Customer

This has always been, and will always be, one of the best ways to reach your customer via advertising. Once you know what your customer is like, you can anticipate their likes and dislikes. You’ll know what kind of advertisement they’re going to respond to. For example, someone from a lower income bracket might appreciate it if you emphasize the moderate pricing of your product while someone from a higher income bracket might respond better if you emphasize the quality of your product.

This is why advertisers now try to collect as much information as they can about their customers and customize their advertisements based on what they learn. For example, if your customer has been buying more of a certain product lately, it makes sense to show them more advertisements for that product (or similar ones).

Widening the Net

As the internet grows and expands, new forms of advertising come up. For example, you can reach them through the OTT platforms they use or the podcasts they listen to. You can also place banner ads around the websites they are watching. You can place short video advertisements before and in the middle of any videos they watch. You can place social media advertisements that show up, just like any other post, in the middle of their social media feeds. Google ads (or ads on other search engines) can also help you to get noticed and reach more customers.

As the marketplace grows, so do methods of advertising. And widening your net to include as many of these advertising methods as possible makes sense if you’re trying to reach new customers.

Keeping It Short

It’s quite common for customers to have a shorter attention span in the modern world. We’re all continuously multi-tasking which means that we only focus on one thing for a very short time. This is something that modern advertising takes into account, by keeping advertisements short and to the point.

Sometimes, a 5-second video advertisement on YouTube might be a lot more effective than a 15-second ad because it tells the customer what they need to hear in a short period of time, before they get distracted by anything else. The same is true for banner ads—they need to get to the point in a few words, rather than trying to create a sense of mystery or suspense. You can apply this idea to all kinds of online advertising—social media reels, OTT advertisements, Google ads etc.

Photos and Videos

As time goes on, we see a greater shift towards more visual forms of advertising rather than text. This is not to say that text advertising has become irrelevant; that will never be the case. Great content, with SEO, will always help to create more buzz about your company and your product. But if you want to give your sales a little boost, then a great image or a catchy video, can help you to do so.

This is once again because customers don’t have much time to read a lot of text. To get through to them, you might want to use striking photos and short videos which require less effort to take in. A great video can really get lodged in your mind because it comes at you from several different levels—visual, audio, musical and verbal. This cluster of information gets stored away in the customer’s mind far more easily than just text, and they’ll remember it the next time they go shopping for whatever they might need.

Contact us to learn more about incorporating these online advertising trends into your advertising campaign.

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